Revell 03702 Apollo 11 Astronaut on the Moon 1:8

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Revell 03702 Apollo 11 Astronaut on the Moon 1:8 - 4009803895253 -

Product Details

Apollo 11 is a space mission carried out by NASA, the main goal of which was a manned landing on the moon. This mission was the culmination of the Apollo program, which was launched in 1961, in connection with the announcement by President JF Kennedy in the same year that the USA would land on the Silver Globe by the end of the 1960s. The launch vehicle used in the Apollo 11 mission was the Saturn V rocket, the construction of which was made by the German scientist Werner von Braun - the same one who constructed the V-2 rockets during World War II. The two main spacecraft on the mission were the CSM-107 Columbia and the LM-5 Eagle. The crew of the mission consisted of three astronauts: Neil Armstrong (its commander), Buzz Aldrin (lunar module pilot - Eagle ship) and Michael Collins (command module pilot - Columbia ship). The Moon landing of Eagle took place on July 20, 1969, and a day later (July 21), Neil Armstrong was the first man in history to set foot on Earth's natural satellite. Three days later, all crew members returned safely to Earth. Thus, the Apollo 11 mission was completely successful.

It would be a truism to say that man has always wanted to reach the stars. However, this age-old dream of mankind became available only in the second half of the 20th century, with the rapid development of rocket technology and digital technology. At the same time, the "race to the stars" was in a peculiar way politically marked by the rivalry between the Soviet Union and the United States, which decidedly accelerated space exploration after 1945. None of the superpowers wanted to be beaten by their rival. After the USSR launched the first artificial Earth satellite (Sputnik-1) in 1957, and even more so after the successful launch into space and the return to Earth of the first man in history - cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 1961), US President John Fitzgerald Kenedy He announced that the country would make a successful manned landing on the moon. This insanely ambitious project was carried out by NASA as part of the Apollo program in 1966-1972, although the program itself was launched in 1961. In the same year, the US launched its first citizen into space - the astronaut Alan Shepard. However, in July 1969, NASA achieved the goal set for it eight years earlier - it carried out a successful, manned landing on the moon, and the first man to set foot on the Silver Globe was Neil Armstrong in July 1969.