Cards Against Humanity

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Product Details

"A party game for awful people."

The game begins with a judge, known as a " Card Czar ", choosing a black question or blank card from the top of the deck and showing it to all players. Each player holds ten white answer cards in their hand at the start of each round and deals a face-down card (sometimes two) to Card Czar which represents his answer to the question on the card. THE Card Czar determine which answer card is funnier in the context of the question or the blank card. The player who submitted the chosen card(s) gets the question card representing an " Awesome Point ", and then the player to his left Czar Card becomes the new one Card Czar for the next round. Play continues until the players agree to stop, in which case the player with the most Awesome Points is the winner.

This, so far, sounds like the popular and pretty badass Apples that Apples . While the games are similar, the sense of humor required is very different. The game encourages players to tackle almost any tacky or taboo topic, including race, religion, gender, poverty, torture, alcoholism, drugs, sex (yes yes), abortion, child abuse , of celebrities and those of the everyday "I just expected a burp and threw up on the floor."

In addition, there are some more rules. First, some question cards are " Pick 2" or cards, which require each participant to submit two cards in succession to complete their answer. Second, there is also an element of luck. If a question is played that a player believes has two possible winning answers, they can bet a Awesome Point to play a second answer. If the gambler wins, they keep the point, but if they lose, the player who contributed the winning answer gets both points.